Mobile Service Rates

Service Rate: $145 per hour

The service rate begins when our service tech arrives on site. The minimum time for a service call is 1 hour. We will round up to the nearest half hour.  We charge this rate for both troubleshooting/consulting and the actual service/upgrade. 

If the call is for a quote on a large project, the quote will be provided with a 1 hour credit towards the project, making the quote free when the service is provided.

Travel Rate: $2 per mile, $50 minimum per call 

All mobile consultations, services, and upgrades are charged travel fees on the mileage from Gypsum to the location of the RV. The fee is calculated on the round trip mileage. If the repairs and/or upgrades take more than one day, a travel fee will be assessed each day. Any roundtrip mileage under 25 miles, will be charged a minimum of $50 per trip. Over 25 miles will be charged the $2 per mile fee.

Distances are calculated using Google Maps from the intersection of US Hwy 6 and Valley Rd in Gypsum, CO.